
Monday, 5 May 2014

Review | LUSH Lip Scrub

Lush, a very welshy word which means beautiful/cool/pretty/nice/tasty etc. etc. So for some strange reason I feel an attachment to this shop. Although, going in there just makes me feel overwhelmed because there's so much to sniff and play with. After seeing the Lush Lip Scrub make it's rounds on the internet, I decided to go out and purchase it. It's basically tasted sugar that you scrub on your lips to remove dead skin and what not, then at the end you get to lick it off. Although I'm not totally sure how comfartable I am with licking and swallowing gunk off my lips *shudders* eurgh.

Although undeniably scrumcious... I feel the product is over hyped! I just feel that it still leaves flakey skin on my lips!

But you can go into Lush a test the product for yourself, before making the plunge of buying it. It's essentially expensive sugar, costing £5.50 for a little pot. There's also Mint and Popcorn flavours available.

Whats's your favourite Lush product?
Lynsey xxx

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